Monday, November 28, 2011

Lets Catch Up

Just to get us all on the same page my horse was off for four weeks as I waited for his feet to grow. Finally he was good to go so we were getting him back into shape by lunging him. So far I've only had 4 lessons on him.
Lesson #1: Only a little bit of walk/trot
Lesson #2: Walk trot and cantered for the first time. His cant was amazing, so slow and be honest I was nervous but he was amazing ! We then did some trotting into jumps he was perf :)
Lesson #3: Walk, Trot, Canter & Trot into jumps. Getting better every time!
Lesson #4: Walk, Trot, Canter. We cantered into jumps for the first time and he was so good! So then we did our first course. It was just a single x, to a diagonal 4 stride. He was so good for the first first two jumps but once he saw that there was another jump he got nervous. It took a few tries to get over the second jump in the line and at that we only ever trotted it. But its progress, he's doing so well. :)

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